Host an Event
Community hosted events are a wonderful way to support the Honeywood Arena. We are so grateful to the individuals, groups and companies who organize their own fundraising events to benefit the arena, and we are here to support you!
Steps to a great event!
Want to learn more about hosting a fundraising event? Below you will find some basic steps, but you can always down the Community Event Toolkit for more details.
Get Started Planning Your Event
Create your committee
Set a fundraising goal
Set a date
Tell Us About It
Reach out to tell us about your event idea and we will contact you to see how we can help.
Email: myhoneywood@mulmur.ca
Phone 705-466-3341 ext. 234
Create A Budget
Consider items such as: attendance, cost of decorating, printing, food and beverage, advertising.
See the “Community Event Toolkit” package for more information on creating a budget!
Plan Your Logistics
Create a plan for your event and lay out all the steps you need to complete it
Confirm your venue
Apply for necessary permits & additional insurance if required
Plan and acquire all event supplies & equipment
Recruit Volunteers
Plan Food & Beverage
Promotional Ideas
Promote in community or company using newsletters, website, email, social media and word of mouth
Promote through local media, social media, posters, flyers
Invite local media to attend your event